Thankful of the support and confidence of the entire fleet of electronics engineers in the Western Visayas region, we are both privileged and at the same time burdened to secure the implementation of the Republic Act 9292 (Electronics Engineering Law) in Iloilo City. Since our previous post in September of 2013 (Click here) , there have been numerous high rise and other significant construction works in Iloilo City as it is gearing towards getting the title as Queen City of the South. However, these projects are not supported by ancillary permits that part and parcel of the requirements under PD1096 (National Building Code of the Philippines). Numerous office of the building officials in the Philippines are implementing the said RA9292, however, Iloilo City is not doing its part. While I must say that the governance team of Iloilo City won awards in fiscal soundness, I think this issue has not been brought to broad daylight. We in IECEP-WVC are still developing the necessary link
From being a test engineer in a global company, to an instructor in a private school, into a sales engineer, I am slowly transitioning to a career that is about to shake my world. I have developed a network of clients in my previous stint. The brand image that I developed seemed to have an emotional impact that is why they consider our service as topnotch. I recently am inspired to setup a small business entity to cater to the needs of my partners. Yes, you read that right! I am putting my own business. Hope that this new endeavor will bear fruit.